Issue No. 1


— P A R T  T W O —

The Seeker
Illustration series by Olivia M. Healy

Issue No. 1


— P A R T  T W O —

The Seeker
Illustration series by Olivia M. Healy

Issue No. 1


— P A R T  T W O —

The Seeker
Illustration series by Olivia M. Healy

— P A R T  T H R E E —

The Surrendered
Film & animation series by Ethan Indorf


— P A R T  T W O —

The Seeker
Illustration series by Olivia M. Healy

We move to the realm of intellect and consciousness. Fluid and formless, our minds wander in vast abstractions. § Learning math and science, we grow closer to understanding how things work. § Through discovering the patterns of a night-scape sky, reduced to mysterious shapes, symbols and signs. § Things are activated and overwhelming, in a sea of information. Here, there is thirst for more. More knowledge of our very existence. § The seeker is open now, absorbing everything. § We are obsessive, curious — always moving.

We move to the realm of intellect and consciousness. Fluid and formless, our minds wander in vast abstractions. § Learning math and science, we grow closer to understanding how things work. § Through discovering the patterns of a night-scape sky, reduced to mysterious shapes, symbols and signs. § Things are activated and overwhelming, in a sea of information. Here, there is thirst for more. More knowledge of our very existence. § The seeker is open now, absorbing everything. § We are obsessive, curious — always moving.

We move to the realm of intellect and consciousness. Fluid and formless, our minds wander in vast abstractions. § Learning math and science, we grow closer to understanding how things work. § Through discovering the patterns of a night-scape sky, reduced to mysterious shapes, symbols and signs. § Things are activated and overwhelming, in a sea of information. Here, there is thirst for more. More knowledge of our very existence. § The seeker is open now, absorbing everything. § We are obsessive, curious — always moving.






Strong like your mom on a hot summer day balancing bricks and books and children. § Strength comes from a deep resilience to hardship and pain. You’ve suffered enough. § It’s time to stand tall and proud. § In your own skin, ready for action, the strength of a lion supports your every move. § Go get ‘em tiger.

Strong like your mom on a hot summer day balancing bricks and books and children. § strength comes from a deep resilience to hardship and pain. You’ve suffered enough. § It’s time to stand tall and proud. § In your own skin, ready for action, the strength of a lion supports your every move. § Go get ‘em tiger.

Strong like your mom on a hot summer day balancing bricks and books and children. § strength comes from a deep resilience to hardship and pain. You’ve suffered enough. § It’s time to stand tall and proud. § In your own skin, ready for action, the strength of a lion supports your every move. § Go get ‘em tiger.





Go inward, stay at home. Walk far away to be absolutely alone. § The hermit is not lonely, but needs the space and time to re-energize. § Deeply contemplative, they look for something more than surface level understandings. § The hermit sits and waits for clarity, a light to shine on them. There’s no rush for time, as they are absorbing all around them constantly. § Take care inside your shell. You’ll come out again soon.

Go inward, stay at home. walk far away to be absolutely alone. § The hermit is not lonely, but needs the space and time to re-energize. § Deeply contemplative, they look for something more than surface level understandings. § The hermit sits and waits for clarity, a light to shine on them. There’s no rush for time, as they are absorbing all around them constantly. § Take care inside your shell. You’ll come out again soon.

Go inward, stay at home. walk far away to be absolutely alone. § The hermit is not lonely, but needs the space and time to re-energize. § Deeply contemplative, they look for something more than surface level understandings. § The hermit sits and waits for clarity, a light to shine on them. There’s no rush for time, as they are absorbing all around them constantly. § Take care inside your shell. You’ll come out again soon.





Luck of the draw or something more? § The wheel of fortune is more than a game. § It’s all the flavors of the zodiac, all the astrological happenings mixed in a nice variety pack that will keep you guessing. § Spin the wheel of life with it’s ups and downs, but ultimately when playing along, you are rewarded. § Persevere and invite adventure, intellect, spirituality and whimsy to your life. Isn’t that what its all about?

Luck of the draw or something more? § The wheel of fortune is more than a game. § It’s all the flavors of the zodiac, all the astrological happenings mixed in a nice variety pack that will keep you guessing. § Spin the wheel of life with it’s ups and downs, but ultimately when playing along, you are rewarded. § Persevere and invite adventure, intellect, spirituality and whimsy to your life. Isn’t that what its all about?

Luck of the draw or something more? § The wheel of fortune is more than a game. § It’s all the flavors of the zodiac, all the astrological happenings mixed in a nice variety pack that will keep you guessing. § Spin the wheel of life with it’s ups and downs, but ultimately when playing along, you are rewarded. § Persevere and invite adventure, intellect, spirituality and whimsy to your life. Isn’t that what its all about?




Justice 2_CMYK

The truth can be a harsh reality. § But justice always finds a way to show you what is up—what is right and wrong. § Don’t mess with justice because it will pierce through any shit you have going on and reveal the honest to goodness weight of the situation. § Keep those scales balanced, and think through all the steps needed to make things right.

The truth can be a harsh reality. § But justice always finds a way to show you what is up—what is right and wrong. § Don’t mess with justice because it will pierce through any shit you have going on and reveal the honest to goodness weight of the situation. § Keep those scales balanced, and think through all the steps needed to make things right.

The truth can be a harsh reality. § But justice always finds a way to show you what is up—what is right and wrong. § Don’t mess with justice because it will pierce through any shit you have going on and reveal the honest to goodness weight of the situation. § Keep those scales balanced, and think through all the steps needed to make things right.




In contemplation, it’s ok to just hang out for a while. The hanged person is set upside-down to let go of all that keeps us busy. § The mind can fully relax and work inward. § What we can learn with a stillness is how to finally breathe and open your mind to new ways of being. § It feels uncomfortable at first, then you get into the swing of things.

In contemplation, it’s ok to just hang out for a while. The hanged person is set upside-down to let go of all that keeps us busy. § The mind can fully relax and work inward. § What we can learn with a stillness is how to finally breathe and open your mind to new ways of being. § It feels uncomfortable at first, then you get into the swing of things.

In contemplation, it’s ok to just hang out for a while. The hanged person is set upside-down to let go of all that keeps us busy. § The mind can fully relax and work inward. § What we can learn with a stillness is how to finally breathe and open your mind to new ways of being. § It feels uncomfortable at first, then you get into the swing of things.

In contemplation, it’s ok to
just hang out for a while.
the hanged person is set upside-down to let go of all that keeps us busy. § The mind can fully relax and work inward. § What we can learn with a stillness is how to finally breathe and open your mind to new ways of being. § It feels uncomfortable at first, then you get into the swing of things.






Death is always coming. You can count on that for sure. Where heads will roll is when you have no control over your circumstances. It’s vast, sweeping change. § You honestly can’t escape it. Welcome this time of rebirth. § Do not be afraid of death, for it has the most rewarding transformational power to behold. § Embrace the dark angel.

Death is always coming. You can count on that for sure. Where heads will roll is when you have no control over your circumstances. It’s vast, sweeping change. § You honestly can’t escape it. Welcome this time of rebirth. § Do not be afraid of death, for it has the most rewarding transformational power to behold. § Embrace the dark angel.

Death is always coming. You can count on that for sure. Where heads will roll is when you have no control over your circumstances. It’s vast, sweeping change. § You honestly can’t escape it. Welcome this time of rebirth. § Do not be afraid of death, for it has the most rewarding transformational power to behold. § Embrace the dark angel.





With Temperance we learn about patience in it’s natural form. § Quieting the chaos of what has to be done, All your assumptions of what is, what will be. § There comes a time of solace and acceptance of the now. Your impermanence is clear. The balance of being unites with other thoughts and trivial things in your life. § It’s not about waiting for the next thing so much as really enjoying where you are.

Death is always coming. You can count on that for sure. Where heads will roll is when you have no control over your circumstances. It’s vast, sweeping change. § You honestly can’t escape it. Welcome this time of rebirth. § Do not be afraid of death, for it has the most rewarding transformational power to behold. § Embrace the dark angel.

With Temperance we learn about patience in it’s natural form. § Quieting the chaos of what has to be done, All your assumptions of what is, what will be. § There comes a time of solace and acceptance of the now. Your impermanence is clear. The balance of being unites with other thoughts and trivial things in your life. § It’s not about waiting for the next thing so much as really enjoying where you are.


Olivia M. Healy

Creative Director
Monica Greenwald

This series of artwork is from a larger collection of a full Major Arcana tarot card deck designed and illustrated by Olivia. Find more work by Olivia at


Olivia M. Healy

Creative Director
Monica Greenwald

This series of artwork is from a larger collection of a full Major Arcana tarot card deck designed and illustrated by Olivia. Find more work by Olivia at


Olivia M. Healy

Creative Director
Monica Greenwald

This series of artwork is from a larger collection of a full Major Arcana tarot card deck designed and illustrated by Olivia. Find more work by Olivia at


Olivia M. Healy

Creative Director
Monica Greenwald

This series of artwork is from a larger collection of a full Major Arcana tarot card deck designed and illustrated by Olivia. Find more work by Olivia at


Olivia M. Healy

Creative Director
Monica Greenwald

This series of artwork is from a larger collection of a full Major Arcana tarot card deck designed and illustrated by Olivia. Find more work by Olivia at

Collector Series

Collector Series

Issue 1 — FATE

Issue 1 — FATE

Issue 1 — FATE


The Seeker — Card set

The Seeker — Card set


Issue 1 + Limited edition card sets

Issue 1 + Limited edition card sets


— P A R T  O N E —

The Scavenger
Photography series by Heather McGrath



— P A R T  TWO —

The Seeker
Illustration series by Olivia M. Healy


— P A R T  T H R E E —

The Surrendered
Film & animation series by Ethan Indorf

1211 Folsom St. 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA